There are multiple ways to search for courses in Yale Course Search:
- Basic Search
- Advanced Search
- Searching by Yale College or Departmental Attributes
Basic Search Options
- Keyword box—Enter any text that may appear in the desired results. The search will look for your keyword in the course code, course title, school, instructor name, and anything in the course description.
- Term/year menu—Select the desired term (Fall, Spring, Summer) and year. Available options include the current academic year and up to ten years in the past.
- Search button—Perform the search with the chosen criteria.
Note: The Search button always remains visible at the top, even while scrolling down.
Perform a Basic Search
- Enter a search keyword.
- Select a term/year from the menu.
- Click Search. Results appear in a new section.
- To clear the search results and original search criteria, click Reset Search.
Advanced Search Options
Multiple boxes and menus allow searching with greater detail. The advanced search uses the basic search boxes as a starting point, then applies the selected advanced options to filter the results.
Perform an Advanced Search
- Enter criteria in the basic search boxes.
- Enter/select the desired combination of keywords and options in the advanced search section.
- Click the Search button.
- Tips
- Try searching by clearing the Keyword field and only use the advanced options to broaden the search results.
- Click the Reset Search link at the top of the search results to clear all keywords, options, filters, and search results.
- Tips
Attributes Search Options
The Basic and Advanced searches still apply, and the Yale College Attributes serve to provide even more filtering options to basic and/or advanced searches.
Perform a Search with Yale College Attributes
Yale College Attributes feature the opportunity to search by distributinal designations and first-year and sophomore seminars.
Any Course Attributes feature the opportunity to search by departmental and certificate attributes.
- Enter/select the desired combination of keywords and options criteria in the basic and/or advanced search boxes.
- Enter/select the desired combination of choices in the Yale College Attributes section.
- Enter/select department attributes by opening “Any Course Information Attribute.”
- Click the Search button.
- Be sure to “Reset” after every search.