How to Enroll in Graduate and Professional School Courses

Graduate School courses
Enrollment forms are not required for graduate school course enrollment. Most graduate school courses can be added to the Yale Course Search (YCS) registration worksheet for Yale College course credit (normally 1, in some instances 0.5 or 2 credits). If a graduate school course cannot be added via YCS, this means that Yale College enrollment in the course is not permitted.
A list of GSAS credit exceptions and approved professional school courses is provided on the University Registrar’s Office website
Professional School courses
Request to Enroll in a Yale Professional School course form is required for ALL professional school course enrollment, except for courses offered by the School of Management. Submitting the form constitutes enrollment in the course if approved.
Students wishing to take School of Management courses should instead submit the SOM request form in lieu of the Request to Enroll in a Professional School course form; students must also add SOM courses to their registration worksheets for zero credit. Once approved by SOM, the appropriate credit value (either .5 or 1 credit) will be added.
Dynamic Form: Requests for all other professional school courses are submitted via the Request to Enroll in a Yale Professional School course form.
Course schedules: Students must register for professional school courses (including second-half courses) via YCS before the end of the add/drop period. 
Request to Enroll in a Professional School course form submission deadlines:  If the deadline has passed, students must submit an online Course Change Notice as part of the late addition petition process and should consult their residential college dean. A fee of $5 will be charged for the processing of an approved course change notice on which the election of a new course is requested.
Credit is not guaranteed: Seniors should be particularly mindful of this rule, especially for second-half courses. Until a professional school course has been approved by SOM or by URO, graduating seniors should not rely on that course for graduation.
Administrative drop dates: Two weeks after add/drop ends, any professional school courses with no requst to enroll forms will be removed from students’ schedules. 
Administrative drop fee: Students with courses removed by URO will incur a $5 drop fee per course.
Re-adding a course: A student must petition CHAS to re-add a course removed by URO.
Maximum number of professional courses: Only four professional school credits can be offered toward the 36-credit requirement. However, students may enroll in more than four credits with the understanding that all courses will remain on the academic record and be included in the GPA, even if not offered toward the 36-credit requirement.
If you wish to drop a professional school course: For a School of Management course, go to the SOM request form and drop the course through their portal. For all other professional school courses, submit a Yale College Course Change Notice form.