Understanding Registration Error Messages

It is possible that you will encounter error messages during registration. The table below describes what each error message means and what do if you see it. If you come across an error message that is not listed here, contact registrar@yale.edu.

Error Message What it means What to do
Enrollment restricted to specific student populations. See course description for more information. Only certain students may register for this course. For example, only juniors and seniors. Remove the course from your registration worksheet.
Enrollment has reached capacity set by department. The course has limited enrollment and has already filled. Monitor the course. If a student drops the course, a seat will become available.
Concurrent enrollment in [another course] is required. The course you are attempting to add must be taken at the same time with another course. Review the course description to find the other course requirement and then add both to your registration worksheet. 
Class cannot be dropped. The deadline has passed to use the registration worksheet for adding and dropping courses. Complete a Course Change Notice (CCN) form to initiate dropping a course after the add/drop period has ended.
Duplicate Course Section You already have this course on your registration worksheet. Remove the duplicate course from your registration worksheet.
An exception has occurred. Contact registrar@yale.edu. System error. Contact registrar@yale.edu.
A hold on your record is preventing registration. View your holds in the Yale Hub. A campus department has placed a hold on your record that prevents you from accessing registration. Login to Yale Hub to view holds on your account. To resolve a hold, contact the department which has placed the hold on your record. When the hold has been removed, you will have access to the registration system in approximately 24 hours.
Add a required [lecture/discussion section] to complete registration. A course in which you are trying to enroll requires that you enroll in both discussion/lab section and lecture/seminar simultaneously. Review the offering in YCS to find a list of the discussion/lab section options. Add both the course and a discussion/lab section to your registration worksheet.
Permission from College Dean required to enroll in more than 5.5 course credits. Academic regulations limited enrollment to no more than 5.5 course credits without permission of the residential college dean. Complete the Credit Overload form to request permission to enroll in more than 5.5 course credits for the term. This must be approved by the end of the add/drop period.
Prerequisites for this course are unmet. You do not have prior coursework or test score minimums that must be completed in order to enroll in the course. Review the prerequisite statement in the course description. If you believe you have met the prerequisite,  contact the instructor of the course or the DUS of the department.
This course cannot be repeated: [name of course]. You have already completed this course and it is not eligible to be retaken. Remove the course from your schedule.
Reserve Closed [name of course]. Some seats in this course were reserved for a specific population, but those seats are now full. Remove the course from your registration worksheet or request instructor permission.
Enrollment has reached capacity set by department and waitlist is full [name of course] There are no seats available for this course. Remove the course from your registration worksheet.
Instructor permission is required for this course. The course instructor will grant enrollment permission to individual students. If a course requires instructor permission, you will be prompted to submit a request when you place the course on your registration worksheet. If permission is granted, you need to actively accept the permission approval to register.
Your student status prevents registration. Contact registrar@yale.edu. Your student record needs to be reviewed for registration eligibility. Contact registrar@yale.edu.
You have no registration time assigned. Contact registrar@yale.edu. You have not been assigned a registration time. Contact registrar@yale.edu.
Course registration is not open. The registration period is not open. Consult the Academic or Registration calendars for Yale College.
Time conflict with CRN [name of course]. You are enrolled in a course that is a time conflict with one you are attempting to add. Either remove the previously enrolled course that conflicts with the attempted add or remove the attempted add from your registration worksheet.