Waitlisting is a feature that allows students to join a queue for enrollment—a waitlist—for a course that has reached its maximum enrollment. Refer to Graduate Students—How to Register for Classes, then scroll down to Search for and Add Classes to your Schedule.
Waitlisting is only an option during the registration period. Waitlists are removed after registration closes and are not an option during add/drop period.
1. Once you find the desired class, add it to your schedule. If the class is full and waitlisting is an option (as planned by the instructor), under the Action column, select Wait List Web to be added to the wait list for the class. This option is only available if a class is already full, and waitlisting is allowed.
2. If a seat opens, you will receive an email indicating that you have 24 hours to go back into the registration system and add the course to your schedule to finalize registration.
3. Submit your revised schedule. You will see the Status for the course change to Registered.